Monday, March 15, 2010

Day #27 - VERY GOOD DAY!!!

Today was a very good day. I woke up feeling refreshed after taking a nice hot shower, put on some Bermuda shorts and a cute top, along with flip flops, and stepped out the door in awesome sun shine weather!!

Last night, I had such bad thoughts at how my eating habits had gotten to. I didn't want to even step on the scale this last week, because I knew I had been horrible at eating. I gave myself a bi-week, even though I know you're supposed to face those fears of the scale and gaining. I just hadn't followed the program and just felt like I didn't care this last week. Well, I had a wake up call this last weekend. Summer is COMING. It's right around the corner. I am NOT going to waste another summer, stuck behind long sleeve baggy shirts, because I am too thick around the tummy to wear something tight. I'm sick of not wanting to go to the lake, because I'm afraid of what other girls will think of me when the fat pale girl tags along! All of my friends are beautiful, skinny and very proud of their bodies and wear bikini's in the summer, so it's hard for me to tag along when I'm very different. I kind of feel like the "ugly duckling" next to them, even though I shouldn't feel that way at all. I don't think I'm an ugly person at all, I just know I need a lot of body image work and work on the inside to better improve my self esteem.
On the way to work this morning, I had an hour chat with my boyfriend about how we BOTH need to change. I said, I'm sick of living this way and I'm sick of saying I'm going to do something about it and then I don't do anything. I used to be 181 when I was on WW and walking every night for 3 miles at a time. I felt GOOD about myself and loved myself. Now, I'm back up 16lbs and can't believe I let myself get BACK to that stage.

I made an agreement with him that he needed to keep the bad foods out, so that I don't have any temptation. He and I looked up certain veggies and fruits to eat to help burn fat, and made a grocery list of what to get tomorrow. I stayed OP today, I think I might have gone over ONE point, and we went for about a mile hike with the dog. It felt so good. I felt like I was DOING something about my weight and about my self esteem today and it only gives me motivation to want to do more!
Here's the scoop of what I ate today!

Breakfast: Raisin toast with a fried egg - It's actually really good! With some spray butter

Snack: Orange

Lunch: Caesar lite salad with carrots, celery and light ranch as a snack or side dish
Dinner: 2 sliced of thin chicken fillets with garlic and a dab of hot mustard and ketchup, baked potato, 3/4 cup of sauteed vegetables and 2oz of pulled pork topped on my chicken. I know that sounds like a weird combo, but we need to go to the store and we're using up everything we have until tomorrow! lol

Before we went on a walk, I grabbed a 1/2 of a biscuit and sprayed butter on it, since my stomach was KILLING me and I needed to get something in there. I baked biscuits from the Bisquick that is lower in calories and healthier for you than the regular stuff.
That about sums up my day! I'm hoping I can be on it tomorrow, just like I was today. :-) I plan on getting to the store and getting the fixings for calzone's! I love Tracey's recipe for calzone's and have been craving them! Thanks Twinny!

Have a great night everyone. I hope your weight loss this week is a success! I'll post mine on Thursday. :) I hope for a loss, but understand if I gained from this last horrible week I had. I left off at 197 and I really hope to be down from that, even just a little!


  1. Just wanted to say keep up the good work and that making yourself aware and getting back on track is the most important after you've "let yourself go". Trust me, I've regained and lost the same freaking 30 pounds over the last 3 years and I'm sick of it too. Don't be discouraged because you KNOW you can get down to the weight you want to be at, you've done it before by getting to the 180s.

    I believe in you. Keep it up :)

  2. :) I love that you talked to your BF, Tj! :) I am so proud of you for telling him what you want! I think having him on board and helping you will really make the difference. I know Sean helps me stay on track!!! :)

    You can do it TWINNY! I know you can! XOXO

    Wish I could make calzones with you!!! They are SO GOOD!!!!

  3. Way to have a supportive BF! He gets points! :) Congrats on your positive outlook!

  4. You girls are awesome! I had such a great week, but I gained .6. I knew it was going to be a bit of a roller coaster, but I'm happy with such a small gain. Thank you so much for all of your support. I want to cry!!! :)
