Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day #19, #20, #21 - WAY BEHIND!

So, here's the brunt of my last few day's! :-) I'm sorry I haven't posted. I've been CRAZY!!!!

Sunday: I went for a 5 mile hike with my pup and a few friends! It was BRUTAL. He isn't too trained on the leash yet, and with two other pups, he goes a bit crazy! I was literally pulling back an 85 pound dog for 2 hours! I felt the work out the next day, so that made me happy. It was so beautiful on Sunday. The sun was shining and I didn't have a care in the world. The smell of the lake and the wild flowers was just perfect. All of my troubles, thoughts, etc. were gone for a few hours and it was awesome to feel relieved.

Monday: Yesterday was nuts at work. Right when I walk in the door at 9am, until I walk out at 5pm, it's havoc! I feel a raise coming on, so I'm hoping that will brighten my work path a bit! I went shopping at Target and Ross last night and found some really great clothes that I feel super awesome in. I do wear a "sucker inner" every day to help make my stomach feel like it's normal, so it makes me feel more comfortable wearing "tighter" clothes! It was really motivating buying some shirts. I never can find shirts that fit me and I finally found some actual cute one's that work! Yahoo!

Tuesday, Today: It was crazy. Last night, I was up at 2am until 4:30am this morning with my head spinning with thoughts. Work, weight, summer, being in a wedding, etc. etc. It was crazy. I get these anxiety rushes sometimes and I can't help stop them. I try to toss and turn and think better thoughts, or nothing at all, but nothing works. It only happens when I'm stressing out about things, but for the most part, I try not to.

To sum it all up, food hasn't been amazing, but it's been "ok". I haven't calculated accurately all week with everything that's been going on. I would start and then get off track and just say forget about it, I'll just eat healthy and small portions. It helps, but i still feel awful for not tracking and know I can do a good job when I get in the motivational mood!

Hope you all are having a great week so far. I can't believe it's almost over already!!!!!! Where does the time go?!?!?! :)

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